
















“GM Soy: Sustainable? Responsible?” Report:

GM foods and crops: The research climate

Monday, 13 September 2010 19:01

《欧洲转基因观察》网站 2010年9月13日发布




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2003年底开始关注方舟子一系列“打假”、“反‘伪科学’”文章与访谈表现出来的 “科氓”(不是“科盲”,是“科氓”)作风与言行以来,本顾问一直苦苦寻求方舟子“科氓”作风与言行的根源由何而来?


美国罗切斯特大学生物系Rochester University Biology Dept.)、索尔克生物研究院Salk Institute for Biological Studies)的教导?不会,更没有听说过这两个院校任何方舟子这样的“科氓”!











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==GM foods and crops: The research climate==


When GM RR soy was first approved for commercialization, there were few studies on GM foods and crops. Even today, the body of safety data on GM crops and foods is not as comprehensive as it should be, given that they have been in the food and feed supply for 15 years. This is partly because GM companies use their patent-based control of the crops to restrict research. They often bar access to seeds for testing, or retain the right to withhold permission for a study to be published.[1][1]


Even pro-GM scientists and media outlets have called for more freedom and transparency in GM crop research. An editorial in Scientific American noted, “Unfortunately, it is impossible to verify that genetically modified crops perform as advertised. That is because agritech companies have given themselves veto power over the work of independent researchers.”[2][2]


There is also a well-documented pattern of GM industry attempts to discredit scientists whose research reveals problems with GM crops.[3][3] [110] For example, UC Berkeley researchers David Quist and Ignacio Chapela found themselves the targets of an orchestrated campaign to discredit them after they published research showing GM contamination of Mexican maize varieties.[4][4] [111]

An investigation traced the campaign back to the Bivings Group, a public relations firm contracted by Monsanto.[5][5][6][6] [112、113]

某位科学家的研究揭示了转基因作物问题后,有许多记录说明转基因行业总是有意对这样的科学家进行抹黑。[110] 例如,美国加利福尼亚大学柏克莱分校研究者David Quist与Ignacio Chapela发表的论文显示墨西哥玉米品种受到了转基因污染后,他们发现他们成为有组织败坏他们名誉的运动的目标。[111] 对此事进行的调查追查到Bivings Group,孟山都公司聘用的一家公共关系公司。[112、113]

In spite of this restrictive research climate and sometimes in the face of strong industry opposition, hundreds of peer-reviewed studies have been carried out on GM foods and crops. Many assess longer-term impacts such as the widespread rise of glyphosate-resistant weeds around the world. The findings show that GM RR soy is not substantially equivalent to non-GM soy, but differs in its properties, effects on experimental animals, environmental impacts, and in-field performance.




[108] Do seed companies control GM crop research? Editorial, Scientific American, August 2009.

[108] 种子公司是否对转基因作物研究进行了控制?社论,科学美国人,2009年8月。


[109] Do seed companies control GM crop research? Editorial, Scientific American, August 2009.

[109] 种子公司是否对转基因作物研究进行了控制?社论,科学美国人,2009年8月。


[110] Waltz, E. 2009. Biotech proponents aggressively attack independent research papers: GM crops: Battlefield. Nature 461, 27–32.

[110] Waltz, E. 2009。生物技术拥护者激烈攻击独立研究者的研究论文:转基因农作物:战场。自然杂志,461,27-32。

[111] Quist, D., Chapela, I. 2001. Transgenic DNA introgressed into traditional maize landraces in Oaxaco, Mexico. Nature 414, November 29, 541.

[111] Quist, D., Chapela, I. 2001。转基因DNA渗入墨西哥Oaxaco地区传统玉米地方品种。自然杂志,414,11月29人,541。

[112] Rowell, A. 2003. Immoral maize. In: Don’t Worry, It’s Safe to Eat. Earthscan Ltd. Reprinted:

[112] Rowell, A. 2003。邪恶玉米。收录:不要担心,吃了是安全的。地球扫描有限公司,再次印刷。


[113] Monbiot, G. 2002. The fake persuaders. The Guardian, May 14.

[113] Monbiot, G. 2002。假诱劝者。(英国)卫报,5月14日。


[7][1] Do seed companies control GM crop research? Editorial, Scientific American, August 2009.

[108] 种子公司是否对转基因作物研究进行了控制?社论,科学美国人,2009年8月。


[8][2] Do seed companies control GM crop research? Editorial, Scientific American, August 2009.

[109] 种子公司是否对转基因作物研究进行了控制?社论,科学美国人,2009年8月。


[9][3] Waltz, E. 2009. Biotech proponents aggressively attack independent research papers: GM crops: Battlefield. Nature 461, 27–32.

[110] Waltz, E. 2009。生物技术拥护者激烈攻击独立研究者的研究论文:转基因农作物:战场。自然杂志,461,27-32。

[1][4] Quist, D., Chapela, I. 2001. Transgenic DNA introgressed into traditional maize landraces in Oaxaco, Mexico. Nature 414, November 29, 541.

[110] Quist, D., Chapela, I. 2001。转基因DNA渗入墨西哥Oaxaco地区传统玉米地方品种。自然杂志,414,11月29人,541。

[1][5] Rowell, A. 2003. Immoral maize. In: Don’t Worry, It’s Safe to Eat. Earthscan Ltd. Reprinted:

[112] Rowell, A. 2003。邪恶玉米。收录:不要担心,吃了是安全的。地球扫描有限公司,再次印刷。


[10][6] Monbiot, G. 2002. The fake persuaders. The Guardian, May 14.

[113] Monbiot, G. 2002。假诱劝者。(英国)卫报,5月14日。







“GM Soy: Sustainable? Responsible?” Report:

The genetic engineering process and unintended changes in GM crops and foods

Monday, 13 September 2010 19:01

《欧洲转基因观察》网站 2010年9月13日发布




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论点二:“转基因育种就是利用现代生物技术手段,从一个生物体中提取结构、功能清楚的基因再转移到另一个生物体,以获得新性状,培育新品种。” (黄大昉,2010-06-25)、“在转基因时,转入的却是有了透彻了解的特定基因。”(方舟子,2001-05-21;2004-05-21);“转基因技术可以准确地控制基因的表达,只动了一个或少数几个我们已知其功能的基因” (方舟子,2005-01-06;2010-03-20)。


论点四:“转基因技术……,所以这种操作并不会产生什么‘违背自然规律’的怪物。”(方舟子,2010-03-20)、“作为转基因育种技术来说,它并不比现有的育种技术更加‘违反自然规律’”(方舟子,2010-2-24)、“其实,我们今天种植的所有玉米品种,不管是有机还是转基因,没有一个是“天然”的,都是人类几千年来精心培育出来的人造品种。” (方舟子,2010-3-25)

论点五:“迄今尚未发现确有科学实证的转基因食用和环境安全问题” (黄大昉,2010-06-25)、“至少有三项研究表明,转基因土豆和转基因大豆对动物的健康和生理活动都无影响。” (方舟子,2001-05-21)、“目前并无任何证据表明转基因食品会比同类非转基因食品更有害健康,反而有许多证据表明已上市的转基因食品对人体无害甚至更有益处”(方舟子,2004-05-21;2004-08-04)

黄大昉与方舟子的结论:“因此,应当肯定:农业转基因作物总体上是安全的,它的风险是可以预防和控制的。” (黄大昉,2010-06-25)、“我们甚至可以说,转基因技术在某些方面要比传统的育种方法更安全可靠” (方舟子,2001-05-21;2004-05-21;2010-03-20)“事实上,转基因食品不仅是安全的,而且往往要比同类非转基因食品更安全。”(方舟子,2005-01-06)“有人要求保证转基因作物百分之百安全、绝对没有风险才能种植、供食用,这种要求是完全不合理的。转基因技术就像所有的技术,同样有可能带来风险。……但是风险并不等于实际的危险。转基因作物的风险是可以控制的。”(方舟子,2010-03-20)“再退一步说,即使这个研究成果可以证明小鼠生育能力的降低是转基因成分引起的,也不过说明这种转基因杂交品种的安全性有问题,并不能用以说明其他转基因作物就有问题”(方舟子,2008-11-13)


正如《陈一文译:动物喂食试验转基因评估安全风险唯一方法》披露Millstone E., Brunner E. 与 Mayer S. 1999年在《自然》杂志(第401卷,第525-526页)发表论文《“‘实质等同’之后”》中指出的那样:将转基因作物与对应的非转基因作物描述为“实质等同”是“伪科学的概念”,是固有“反科学的,因为它的建立主要是为了不需要进行生化或毒性测试的借口”。


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==The genetic engineering process==


GM proponents often claim that genetic engineering is simply an extension of conventional plant breeding. But this is untrue. GM uses laboratory techniques to insert artificial gene units into the host plant’s genome – a process that would never happen in nature. The artificial gene units are created by joining fragments of DNA from viruses, bacteria, plants and animals. For example, the herbicide-resistant gene in GM RR soy was pieced together from a plant virus, two different soil bacteria, and a petunia plant.

转基因拥护者们往往声称转基因工程是传统繁殖简单的延伸。但是,这并非真实。转基因使用实验室技术将人造的基因单位(artificial gene)插入接受作物植物的基因组—这是自然中永远不会发生的过程。这些人造的基因单位通过连接病毒、细菌、植物与动物的基因片段创造。举例说,抗草甘膦转基因大豆中的抗除草剂基因,由一种植物病毒、两种不同的土壤细菌,以及一种矮牵牛花植物的基因组合而成。

The GM transformation process is imprecise and can cause widespread mutations, resulting in potentially major changes to the plant’s DNA blueprint. [96] These mutations can directly or indirectly disrupt the functioning and regulation not just of one or even of several, but of hundreds of genes, leading to unpredictable and potentially harmful effects. [97] These can include the production of unexpected toxic, carcinogenic (cancer-causing), teratogenic (causing birth defects), or allergenic compounds. [98]

转基因转换过程并不准确,而且可以造成广泛传播的变异,对植物的DNA蓝图(DNA bluepringt)导致潜在的重大改变。[96] 这些突变可以直接或间接干扰并非只是一个或甚至几个,而是干扰数百基因的功能与控制,导致无法预料的潜在有害作用。[97] 这些潜在有害作用包括产生不可预料毒素、致癌物造成生育畸形,或造成过敏成分。[98]

==Unintended changes in GM crops and foods==


Several studies show unintended changes in GM crops as compared with the non-GM parent variety. Changes are seen even when the GM and non-GM equivalent varieties are grown side-by-side in identical conditions and harvested at the same time. This shows that any differences are not caused by environmental conditions but by the GM transformation process.


One such carefully controlled study, comparing GM rice with its non-GM equivalent, showed that the two had different amounts of protein, vitamins, fatty acids, trace elements, and amino acids. The authors concluded that the differences “might be related to the genetic transformation”. [99]


Another study comparing Monsanto’s GM Bt maize MON810 with non-GM equivalent varieties also found unintended changes resulting from the genetic engineering process. The study found that the GM seeds responded differently to the same environment as compared with their non-GM equivalents, “as a result of the genome rearrangement derived from gene insertion”. [100]


In some case, such changes do matter, as health hazards can arise from foreign proteins produced in GM plants as a result of the genetic engineering process. [101] In one study, GM peas fed to mice caused immune responses and the mice became sensitized to other foods, though non-GM peas caused no such reaction. Also, kidney beans naturally containing the gene that was added to the GM peas caused no such reaction. This showed that the mice’s reaction to the GM peas was caused by changes brought about by the genetic engineering process. [102]

某些情况下,这样的变异有关系,因为作为转基因工程过程的结果导致转基因植物产生的外源蛋白能够造成健康风险。[101] 另外一项研究中,将转基因豌豆喂食给小鼠造成免疫反应使小鼠对某些其他食物过敏,然而喂食非转基因豌豆没有这种反应。(注:这种转基因豌豆插入进来自某种芸豆的一种基因)。将天然包含这种基因的芸豆喂食小鼠则没有这种反应。这表明,小鼠对转基因豌豆的(这种过敏)反应有转基因工程过程造成的变异。[102]

The GM peas were not commercialized. But unexpected ill effects, including toxic effects and immune responses, have been found in animals fed on GM crops and foods that have been commercialized. These include GM maize [103、104、105、106] and canola/oilseed rape [107] as well as soy.

转基因豌豆没有商业化。但是,在喂食已经商业化的转基因作物与转基因食品的动物中已经发现未曾预料的病态反应,包括毒素反应与免疫反应。这些转基因作物包括已经商业化的转基因玉米[103、104、105、106] 与转基因加拿大油菜/油菜仔油菜[107] 以及转基因大豆。



[96] Latham, J.R. Wilson, A.K., Steinbrecher, R.A. 2006. The mutational consequences of plant transformation. J. of Biomedicine and Biotechnology 2006, 1–7.

[96] Latham, J.R. Wilson, A.K., Steinbrecher, R.A. 2006。植物转换的突变后果。生物医药与生物技术杂志,206,1-7。

[97] Wilson, A.K., Latham, J.R., Steinbrecher, R.A. 2006. Transformation-induced mutations in transgenic plants: Analysis and biosafety implications. Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Reviews 23, 209–234.

[97] Wilson, A.K., Latham, J.R., Steinbrecher, R.A. 2006。转基因植物中的转换激发突变:分析与生物安全问题。

[98] Schubert, D. 2002. A different perspective on GM food. Nature Biotechnology 20, 969.

[98] Schubert, D. 2002。对于转基因食品的另外一种看法。自然生物技术,20,969。

[99] Jiao, Z., Si, X.X., Li, G.K., Zhang, Z.M., Xu, X.P. 2010. Unintended compositional changes in transgenic rice seeds (Oryza sativa L.) studied by spectral and chromatographic analysis coupled with chemometrics methods.J. Agric. Food Chem.58, 1746–1754.

[99] Jiao, Z., Si, X.X., Li, G.K., Zhang, Z.M., Xu, X.P. 2010。由光谱与色谱分析仪分析以及化学计量方法对转基因稻米种子(Oryza sativa L.)中未曾预料的成分变异的研究。农业食品化学杂志,58,1746-1754。

[100] Zolla, L., Rinalducci, S., Antonioli, P., Righetti, P.G. 2008. Proteomics as a complementary tool for identifying unintended side effects occurring in transgenic maize seeds as a result of genetic modifications. Journal of Proteome Research 7, 1850–1861.

[100] Zolla, L., Rinalducci, S., Antonioli, P., Righetti, P.G. 2008。蛋白质组学作为辅助工具识别转基因改造结果的转基因玉米种子中发生的未预料副作用。蛋白质组学研究杂志,7,1850-1861。

[101] Schubert, D. 2002. A different perspective on GM food. Nature Biotechnology 20, 969.

[101] Schubert, D. 2002。对于转基因食品的另外一种看法。自然生物技术,20,969。

[102] Prescott, V.E.,Campbell, P.M.,Moore, A.,Mattes, J.,Rothenberg, M.E.,Foster, P.S.,Higgins, T.J.,Hogan, S.P. 2005. Transgenic expression of bean α-amylase inhibitor in peas results in altered structure and immunogenicity.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry53, 9023–9030.

[102] Prescott, V.E.,Campbell, P.M.,Moore, A.,Mattes, J.,Rothenberg, M.E.,Foster, P.S.,Higgins, T.J.,Hogan, S.P. 2005。豌豆中豆α-淀粉酶抑制剂的转基因表达造成的结构与免疫原性变异。农业与食品化学杂志,53,9023-9030。

[103] Séralini, G.-E., Cellier, D., de Vendomois, J.S. 2007. New analysis of a rat feeding study with a genetically modified maize reveals signs of hepatorenal toxicity. Arch. Environ Contam Toxicol. 52, 596–602.

[103] Séralini, G.-E., Cellier, D., de Vendomois, J.S. 2007。对一项转基因改造玉米喂食老师研究的新分析揭示肝肾毒性迹象。Arch.环境污染毒理学,52,596-602。

[104] Kilic, A., Akay, M.T. 2008. A three generation study with genetically modified Bt corn in rats: Biochemical and histopathological investigation. Food and Chemical Toxicology 46, 1164–1170.

[104] Kilic, A., Akay, M.T. 2008。转基因改造含Bt玉米喂食老师的三代研究:生物化学与组织病理学调查。食品与化学毒理学杂志,46,1164-1170。

[105] Finamore, A.,Roselli, M.,Britti, S.,Monastra, G.,Ambra, R.,Turrini, A.,Mengheri, E. 2008. Intestinal and peripheral immune response to MON810 maize ingestion in weaning and old mice. J. Agric. Food Chem. 56, 11533–11539.

[105] Finamore, A.,Roselli, M.,Britti, S.,Monastra, G.,Ambra, R.,Turrini, A.,Mengheri, E. 2008。对断奶与大年龄老鼠对转基因MON810玉米的摄取的肠与外围免疫学反应。农业食品化学杂志,56,11533-11539。

[106] Velimirov, A., Binter, C., Zentek, J. 2008.Biological effects of transgenic maize NK603xMON810 fed in long term reproduction studies in mice. Bundesministerium für Gesundheit, Familie und Jugend Report, Forschungsberichte der Sektion IV Band 3/2008, Austria.

[106] Velimirov, A., Binter, C., Zentek, J. 2008。转基因玉米NK603xMON810喂食对于小鼠长期再生研究的生物学作用。联邦卫生部,家庭和青年报告,在第四节,第3卷/ 2008,奥地利研究报告。

[107] US Food and Drug Administration. 2002. Biotechnology Consultation Note to the File BNF No 00077. Office of Food Additive Safety, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, US Food and Drug Administration, September 4.

[107] 美国食品与药物管理署,2002。生物技术咨询注解,对档案BNF第00077号。食品添加剂安全办公室,食品安全与应用营养中心,美国食品与药物管理署,9月4日。





“GM Soy: Sustainable? Responsible?” Report:

Residues of glyphosate and adjuvants in soil and soy

Monday, 13 September 2010 19:01

《欧洲转基因观察》网站 2010年9月13日发布




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==Residues of glyphosate and adjuvants in soy==


In 1997, after GM RR soy was commercialized in Europe, the limit on glyphosate residues (maximum residue limit or MRL) allowed in soy was increased 200-fold from 0.1 mg/kg to 20 mg/kg. This high residue limit is not permitted for any other pesticide in the EU or for any other produce.

1997年,孟山都公司的抗草甘膦除草剂转基因大豆在欧洲商业网时,将土壤中允许的草甘膦残余量限制(总残余量或MRL)从0.1mg/kg增加了200倍达到20mg/kg。[82] 在欧洲,对任何其他杀虫剂或任何其他化学品都不允许这样高的残余量限制。

Similarly, in Brazil in 1998, ANVISA, an agency of the Ministry of Health of the Brazilian Government, authorized a 50-fold increase in the MRL of glyphosate from 0.2 mg/kg to 10 mg/kg.


These increases in the MRL of glyphosate have been criticized as political decisions with no scientific basis. In 1999, Malcolm Kane, who had just retired as head of food safety at the UK supermarket chain Sainsbury’s, said in a press interview that the level had been raised to “satisfy the GM companies” and smooth the path of GM RR soy to enter the market. [83]

允许对土壤中草甘膦MRL残余量限制如此增加,被批评为没有任何科学基础的政治决定。1999年,Malcolm Kane先生,刚刚从英国超市连锁公司食品安全负责人的职位上退休,接受媒体采访时表示,(将土壤中对草甘膦MRL残余量的限制)提高到这样的水平是为了“满足转基因公司”与(孟山都公司)抗草甘膦转基因大豆顺利进入市场。[83]

Glyphosate residues have been found in food and feed. Soybeans have been found to contain glyphosate residues at levels up to 17mg/kg. [84] Residues of glyphosate have been found in strawberries, [85] lettuce, carrots, and barley planted on land previously treated with glyphosate. Glyphosate residues were found in some of these foods even when the crops were planted a year after glyphosate was applied to the soil. [86]

后来在食品与动物饲料中都发现了草甘膦除草剂的残余量。(抗草甘膦转基因)大豆中发现含有高达17mg/kg的草甘膦残余量。[84] 在原先种植中使用过草甘膦除草剂的农田中,在后来种植的草莓、[85]生菜、胡萝卜与大麦中依然发现含有草甘膦除草剂。即便这样的食用作物在这样的农田中在草甘膦使用一年后进行种植,在某些这样的食用作物中依然发现草甘膦除草剂。[86]


No MRL has been set for glyphosate’s main environmental breakdown product or metabolite, AMPA, which has been found in soybeans at high levels of up to 25mg/kg. [87] Monsanto claims that AMPA has low toxicity to mammals and non-target organisms. [88] However, recent research testing the effects of Roundup formulations found that both AMPA and the Roundup adjuvant POEA kill human cells at extremely low concentrations. [89] A study found that AMPA causes DNA damage in cells. [90] POEA is about 30 times more toxic to fish than glyphosate. [91]

对草甘膦的主要环境降解物或代谢物AMPA至今没有规定任何MRL残余量标准,尽管在大豆中已经发现高达25mg/kg含量的AMPA。[87] 孟山都公司2005年宣称AMPA对哺乳动物与非目标生物只有低毒性。[88] 然而,2009年发表论文新近对(孟山都公司草甘膦)“终结者”除草剂综述配方的研究试验发现,“终结者”除草剂含有的辅佐物POEA非常低的含量水平能够杀死人类细胞。[89] 2009年发表论文的一项研究发现,AMPA对人类细胞中的DNA造成损伤。[90] 1987年发表论文的一项研究早已发现,(孟山都公司草甘膦)“终结者”除草剂含有的辅佐物POEA对于鱼类的毒性为草甘膦本身的毒性的30倍。[91]



[82] FAO. Pesticide residues in food – 1997: Report. Report of the Joint Meeting of the FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues in Food and the Environment and the WHO Core Assessment Group on Pesticide Residues. Lyons, France, 22 September – 1 October 1997.

[82] 世界粮农组织,关于食物中除草剂残余量—1997:报告。食物中除草剂残余量与环境以及世界卫生组织对除草剂残余量的核心评估组专家关于世界粮农组织委员会的联合会议报告。里昂,法国,1997年9月22日至10月1日。


[83] Pesticide safety limit raised by 200 times "to suit GM industry". Daily Mail, September 21, 1999.http://www.connectotel.com/gmfood/dm210999.txt

[83] 除草剂安全限制提高200倍以“适应转基因行业”,每日邮报,1999年9月21日。

[84] FAO. 2005. Pesticide residues in food – 2005. Report of the Joint Meeting of the FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues in Food and the Environment and the WHO Core Assessment Group on Pesticide Residues, Geneva, Switzerland, 20–29 September. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper 183, 7.

[84] 世界粮农组织,2005。食物中除草剂残余量—2005。报告。食物中除草剂残余量与环境以及世界卫生组织对除草剂残余量的核心评估组专家关于世界粮农组织委员会的联合会议报告,日内瓦,瑞士,9月20日至29日。世界粮农组织农作物生产与保护报告183,7。

[85] Cessna, A.J., Cain, N.P. 1992. Residues of glyphosate and its metabolite AMPA in strawberry fruit following spot and wiper applications. Can. J. Plant Sci. 72, 1359-1365.

[85] Cessna, A.J., Cain, N.P. 1992。点喷洒与泛喷洒应用草甘膦除草剂后草莓中草甘膦及其代谢物AMPA残余量。加拿大植物科学杂志,72,1359-1365。

[86] United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 1993. Glyphosate. R.E.D. Facts, EPA-738-F-93-011, EPA, Washington.

[86] 美国环境保护局(EPA),1993。草甘膦。研究实验与开发事实,EPA-738-F-93-011,美国环境保护局(EPA),华盛顿。

[87] Sandermann, H. 2006. Plant biotechnology: ecological case studies on herbicide resistance. Trends in

Plant Science 11, 324–328.

[87] Sandermann, H. 2006。农作物生物技术:对除草剂容忍的生态学案例研究。植物科学趋势,11,324-328。

[88] Monsanto. 2005. Backgrounder: Glyphosate and environmental fate studies. Monsanto, April.

[88] 孟山都公司,2005。记者招待会背景资料:草甘膦与环境命运研究。孟山都,4月。

[89] Benachour, N., Séralini, G-E. 2009. Glyphosate formulations induce apoptosis and necrosis in human umbilical, embryonic, and placental cells. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 22, 97–105.

[89] Benachour, N., Séralini, G-E. 2009。草甘膦综合配方诱导人类脐带、胎儿与胎盘细胞凋亡与坏死。化学残余毒理学,22,97-105。

[90] Mañas, F., Peralta, L., Raviolo, J., Garcia Ovando, H., Weyers, A., Ugnia, L., Gonzalez Cid, M., Larripa, I., Gorla, N. 2009. Genotoxicity of AMPA, the environmental metabolite of glyphosate, assessed by the Comet assay and cytogenetic tests. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 72, 834–837.

[90] Mañas, F., Peralta, L., Raviolo, J., Garcia Ovando, H., Weyers, A., Ugnia, L., Gonzalez Cid, M., Larripa, I., Gorla, N. 2009。草甘膦环境代谢物AMPA的基因毒性,由彗星试验法和细胞遗传学检查评估。生态毒理学与环境安全,72,834-837。

[91] Servizi, J.A., Gordon, R.W., Martens, D.W., 1987. Acute toxicity of Garlon 4 and Roundup herbicides to salmon, Daphnia and trout. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 39, 15–22.

[91] Servizi, J.A., Gordon, R.W., Martens, D.W., 1987。Garlon 4与(孟山都公司草甘膦)“终结者”除草剂对鲑鱼、水蚤与鳟鱼的急性毒性。环境污染毒理学学报,39,15-22。





“GM Soy: Sustainable? Responsible?” Report:

Indirect toxic effects of glyphosate

Monday, 13 September 2010 19:01

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==Indirect toxic effects of glyphosate==


Manufacturers of glyphosate and proponents of GM RR soy claim that glyphosate breaks down rapidly into harmless substances and is not harmful to the environment. But studies show that this is not so.


In soil, glyphosate has a half-life (the length of time it takes to lose half its biological activity) of between 3 and 215 days, depending on soil conditions and temperature. [71、72] In water, glyphosate’s half-life is 35–63 days. [73]

在土壤中,草甘膦的半衰期(使它丧失一半生物活动的时间)为3至215天,取决与土壤的状况与温度。[71、72] 在水中,草甘膦的半衰期是35-63天。[73]

Glyphosate and Roundup have toxic effects on the environment. Findings include:


· Glyphosate stimulates growth and development of a type of water snail that is a host of sheep liver fluke. The study concludes that low levels of glyphosate could promote increased liver fluke infections in mammals. [74]

· (1997年发表论文)草甘膦刺激一种水蜗牛的生长与发展,它是羊肝吸虫的宿主。该项研究结论:低含量草甘膦能够促进哺乳动物的肝吸虫感染。[74]

· Glyphosate enhances susceptibility of fish to parasites. [75]

· (2010年发表论文)草甘膦加强鱼对寄生虫的脆弱性。[75]

· A three-year study of spruce clearcuts sprayed with glyphosate found that total bird densities decreased by 36 per cent. [76]

· (1989年发表论文)对喷洒草甘膦的云杉清理区域进行的三年研究发现总的鸟密度减少了 36%。[76](译者注:我对“spruce clearcuts”应如何翻译拿不准)

· Glyphosate is toxic to earthworms. [77、78]

· (1992年与1994年发表论文与资料)草甘膦对蚯蚓有毒性。[77、78]

· After a single glyphosate treatment, mosses needed four years to begin to recover in density and diversity. [79]

· (1999年发表论文)用草甘膦进行仅一次处理后,藓类植物需要4年的时间开始恢复密度和多样性。[79]

Claims of the environmental safety of Roundup have been overturned in courts in the United States and France. In New York in 1996, a court ruled that Monsanto is no longer allowed to label Roundup as “biodegradable” or “environmentally friendly”. [80] In France in 2007, Monsanto was forced to withdraw advertising claims that Roundup was biodegradable and leaves the soil clean after use. The court found that these claims were false and misleading, and fined Monsanto"s French distributor 15,000 Euros. [81]

宣称(孟山都公司草甘膦)“终结者”除草剂环境安全的断言在美国与法国的法庭被推翻。1996年在纽约,一个法庭裁决孟山都公司不得再贴标签宣称(草甘膦)“终结者”除草剂为“生物降解的”或者“环境友好的”。[80] 2007年在法国,孟山都公司被迫撤销宣称(草甘膦)“终结者”除草剂为“生物降解的使用后使土壤保持干净”的广告。法庭发现这些宣称是伪造的与误导性的,并且裁决孟山都公司的法国经销商支付15,000欧元罚金。[81]



[71] Viehweger, G., Danneberg, H. 2005. Glyphosat und Amphibiensterben? Darstellung und Bewertung

des Sachstandes. Sächsische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft.

[71] Viehweger, G., Danneberg, H. 2005。草甘膦和两栖动物死亡?介绍和评价当前的形势。萨克森州农业研究所。

[72] FAO. 2005. Pesticide residues in food – 2005. Evaluations, Part I: Residues (S. 477).

[72] FAO. 2005。食品中的农药残余—2005。评价,第I部分:残余(S.477)


[73] Schuette, J. 1998. Environmental fate of glyphosate. Environmental Monitoring & Pest Management, Dept of Pesticide Regulation, Sacramento, CA.

[73] Schuette, J. 1998。草甘膦的环境命运。环境监测与病虫害治理,农药管理部,Sacramento(美国加州首府),加利福尼亚。


[74] Tate, T.M., Spurlock, J.O., Christian, F.A., 1997. Effect of glyphosate on the development of Pseudosuccinea columella snails. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 33, 286–289.

[74] Tate, T.M., Spurlock, J.O., Christian, F.A., 1997。草甘膦对pseudosuccinea columella蜗牛发展的影响。Arch.环境污染毒理学,33,286-289。

[75] Kelly, D.W., Poulin, P., Tompkins, D.M., Townsend, C.R. 2010. Synergistic effects of glyphosate formulation and parasite infection on fish malformations and survival. J. Appl. Ecology 47, 498–504.

[75] Kelly, D.W., Poulin, P., Tompkins, D.M., Townsend, C.R. 2010。草甘膦综合配方对鱼畸形与生存的寄生物感染的协和效应。应用生态学杂志,47,498-504。

[76] Santillo, D.J., Brown, P.W., Leslie, D.M. 1989. Response of songbirds to glyphosate-induced habitat changes on clearcuts. J. Wildlife Management 53, 64–71.

[76] Santillo, D.J., Brown, P.W., Leslie, D.M. 1989。草甘膦对于皆伐地鸣鸟栖息地变化影响的响应。野生动物管理杂志,53,64-71。

[77] Springett, J.A., Gray, R.A.J. 1992. Effect of repeated low doses of biocides on the earthworm Aporrectodea caliginosa in laboratory culture. Soil Biol. Biochem. 24, 1739–1744.

[77] Springett, J.A., Gray, R.A.J. 1992。重复低剂量生物杀灭剂对蚯蚓的影响。

在实验室培养Aporrectodea caliginosa。土壤生物与生物化学,24,1739-1744。

[78] World Health Organisation (WHO). 1994. Glyphosate. Environmental Health Criteria 159. The International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS). WHO, Geneva.

[78] 世界卫生组织(WTO),1994。草甘膦。环境健康标准159。化学安全国际计划(IPCS)。世界卫生组织,日内瓦。

[79] Newmaster, S.G., Bell, F.W., Vitt, D.H. 1999. The effects of glyphosate and triclopyr on common bryophytes and lichens in northwestern Ontario. Can. Jour. Forest Research 29, 1101–1111.

[79] Newmaster, S.G., Bell, F.W., Vitt, D.H. 1999。草甘膦与对安大略省西北部苔藓和地衣的共同影响。加拿大森林研究杂志,29,1101-1111。

[80] Attorney General of the State of New York, Consumer Frauds and Protection Bureau, Environmental Protection Bureau. 1996. In the matter of Monsanto Company, respondent. Assurance of discontinuance pursuant to executive law § 63(15). New York, NY, Nov. False advertising by Monsanto regarding the safety of Roundup herbicide (glyphosate).

[80] 纽约州首席检察长,对消费者欺骗与保护局,环境保护部,1996。关于被告孟山都公司的事宜。保证不继续并执行法律§ 63(15)。纽约,纽约州,11月,孟山都公司关于 “终结者”除草剂(草甘膦)的欺诈广告。


[81] Monsanto fined in France for “false” herbicide ads. Agence France Presse, Jan 26, 2007.

[81] 孟山都在法国因“欺诈”除草剂广告被罚款。法国新闻机构,2007年1月26日。





“GM Soy: Sustainable? Responsible?” Report:

Monday, 13 September 2010 19:01

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(1) 国际上一些国家开展流行病学研究发现抗草甘膦除草剂转基因大豆、抗草甘膦除草剂转基因玉米种植中使用的草甘膦除草剂与接触的人群的一系列严重损害健康问题相关,包括多发性骨髓瘤、非—霍奇金淋巴瘤、皮肤癌、早产、流产或生育缺陷。

(2) 在讲座中重点谈论“转基因生物安全管理”问题时,你为什么没有提请全国人大常委会建议对于在中国某些地方报道出现疑似转基因作物、转基因饲料造成动物与人类健康异常问题应当开展流行病学研究?





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==Epidemiological studies on glyphosate==


Epidemiological studies look at a large group of people who have been exposed to a substance suspected of causing harm. The exposed group is compared with an unexposed group that is matched in social and economic terms. The incidence of certain diseases or other negative effects is measured in each group to see whether exposure to the suspect substance is associated with an increase.


Epidemiological studies on glyphosate exposure show an association with serious health problems. Findings include:


• A study in Ecuador found a higher degree of DNA damage in people living in the spray zone near the border compared with those 80 kilometres away. [63] DNA damage may activate genes associated with the development of cancer, lead researcher César Paz y Miño commented, and thus may lead to miscarriage or birth defects. [64] This finding was in addition to the expected symptoms of Roundup exposure – vomiting and diarrhoea, blurred vision, and difficulty in breathing

• 在厄瓜多尔进行的一项研究发现,居住在草甘膦喷洒区域或靠近该区域边界的人们,与居住在喷洒区边界80公里外的人们相比,前者发现较高程度的DNA损伤。[63] 领先研究者César Paz y Miño 认为,DNA损伤可能激化与癌症发展相关的基因,并因而导致流产或生育缺陷。[64] 这种发现是在原先已经预料到的暴露于成功率除草剂的某些症状—呕吐与腹泻、视觉模糊与呼吸困难—之外的发现。

• A study of farming families in Ontario, Canada found high levels of premature births and miscarriages in female members of families that used pesticides, including glyphosate and 2,4-D [65] (one of the herbicides that farmers are using to manage glyphosate-resistant weeds).

• 在加拿大安大略地区的农场家庭的研究中,在使用除草剂,包括草甘膦与2,4-D(农民用于治理抗草甘膦野草的一种除草剂),的家庭的女成员中发现高水平的早产与流产。[65]

• An epidemiological study of pesticide applicators found that exposure to glyphosate is associated with higher incidence of multiple myeloma, a type of cancer. [66]

• 对除草剂接触者进行的一项流行病学研究,发现暴露于草甘膦与多发性骨髓瘤发病率(一种癌症)相关。[66]

• Studies conducted in Sweden found that exposure to glyphosate is linked with a higher incidence of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a type of cancer. [67、68、69]

• 在瑞典进行的一项研究中,发现暴露于草甘膦与非—霍奇金淋巴瘤(一种癌症)有联系。[67、68、69]

• Glyphosate promotes skin cancer. [70]

• 草甘膦促进皮肤癌。[70]

By themselves, these epidemiological findings cannot prove that glyphosate is the causative factor. Manufacturers of substances identified by such studies as potentially harmful often claim that there is no evidence that the substance was the cause of the harm. It is true that epidemiological studies cannot identify cause and effect – they can only point to associations between a suspected causative factor and a health problem. Further toxicological work has to be done to establish cause and effect. However, this limitation of epidemiology does not invalidate its findings. The toxicological studies on glyphosate cited above confirm that it poses health hazards.




[63] Paz-y-Miño, C., Sánchez, M.E., Arévalo, M., Muñoz, M.J., Witte, T., De-la-Carrera, G.O., Leone, P. E. 2007. Evaluation of DNA damage in an Ecuadorian population exposed to glyphosate. Genetics and Molecular Biology 30, 456-460.

[63] Paz-y-Miño, C., Sánchez, M.E., Arévalo, M., Muñoz, M.J., Witte, T., De-la-Carrera, G.O., Leone, P. E. 2007。在厄瓜多尔暴露于草甘膦除草剂的部分人口中评价对DNA造成的损害。基因与分子生物学杂志,30,456-460。

[64] Fog, L. 2007. Aerial spraying of herbicide “damages DNA.” SciDev.net, May 17, 2007.

[64] Fog, L. 2007。航空喷洒除草剂“损伤DNA”。SciDev.net,2007年5月17日。


[65] Savitz, D.A., Arbuckle, T., Kaczor, D., Curtis, K.M. 1997. Male pesticide exposure and pregnancy outcome. Am. J. Epidemiol. 146, 1025–1036.

[65] Savitz, D.A., Arbuckle, T., Kaczor, D., Curtis, K.M. 1997。男性暴露于除草剂与怀孕结果。美国流行病学杂志,146,1025-1036。

[66]De Roos, A.J.,Blair, A.,Rusiecki, J.A.,Hoppin, J.A.,Svec, M.,Dosemeci, M.,Sandler, D.P.,Alavanja, M.C. 2005. Cancer incidence among glyphosate-exposed pesticide applicators in the Agricultural Health Study. Environ Health Perspect. 113, 49–54.

[66]De Roos, A.J.,Blair, A.,Rusiecki, J.A.,Hoppin, J.A.,Svec, M.,Dosemeci, M.,Sandler, D.P.,Alavanja, M.C. 2005。农业健康研究中草甘膦除草剂接触者的癌症发病率。环境健康远景,113,49-54。

[67] Hardell, L., Eriksson, M. A. 1999. Case-control study of non-Hodgkin lymphoma and exposure to pesticides. Cancer 85, 1353–60.

[67] Hardell, L., Eriksson, M. A. 1999。暴露于除草剂与非—霍奇金淋巴瘤的案例对照研究。癌症,85,1353-60。

[68] Hardell, L., Eriksson, M., Nordstrom, M. 2002. Exposure to pesticides as risk factor for non-Hodgkin"s lymphoma and hairy cell leukemia: Pooled analysis of two Swedish case-control studies. Leuk Lymphoma 43, 1043-9.

[68] Hardell, L., Eriksson, M., Nordstrom, M. 2002。暴露于除草剂作为非—霍奇金淋巴瘤与多毛细胞白血病的风险因素:对瑞典两项对照研究的合并分析。白血病淋巴瘤,43,1043-9。

[69] Eriksson, M., Hardell, L., Carlberg, M., Akerman, M. 2008. Pesticide exposure as risk factor for non-Hodgkin lymphoma including histopathological subgroup analysis. International Journal of Cancer 123,1657–1663.

[69] Eriksson, M., Hardell, L., Carlberg, M., Akerman, M. 2008。暴露于除草剂作为非—霍奇金淋巴瘤,包括组织病理学子群分析。国际癌症杂志,123,1657–1663。

[70] George, J., Prasad, S., Mahmood, Z., Shukla, Y. 2010. Studies on glyphosate-induced carcinogenicity in mouse skin. A proteomic approach. J. of Proteomics 73, 951–964.

[69] George, J., Prasad, S., Mahmood, Z., Shukla, Y. 2010。对小鼠皮肤草甘膦感应的致癌性研究,一种蛋白质体学方法,蛋白质体学杂志,73,951-964。




“GM Soy: Sustainable? Responsible?” Report:

Monday, 13 September 2010 19:01

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==Court bans on glyphosate spraying around the world==


Argentina is not the only country in which a court has banned the spraying of glyphosate. In Colombia, in July 2001, a court ordered the government to stop aerial spraying of Roundup on illegal coca plantations on the border of Colombia and Ecuador. [58]


Aerial spraying by the Israeli government of Roundup and other chemicals on crops of Bedouin farmers in the Naqab (Negev), Israel between 2002 and 2004 was stopped by a court order [59、60] after a coalition of Arab human rights groups and Israeli scientists reported high death rates of livestock and a high incidence of miscarriages and disease among exposed people. [61、62]

2002年至2004年期间,以色列政府对内盖夫(西南亚巴勒斯坦南部一地区)贝都因人农民的农作物航空喷洒(孟山都公司草甘膦)“终结者”除草剂。以色列法庭裁决禁止这样做以后停止了。[59、60] 因为,阿拉伯人权组织与以色列科学家的联盟提出报告,暴露于草甘膦除草剂的地区出现牲畜高死亡率,人类出现流产与其他疾病高发病率。[61、62]



[58] Colombian court suspends aerial spraying of Roundup on drug crops. Reuters, July 27, 2001.

[58] 哥伦比亚法庭终止对毒品作物喷洒孟山都公司草甘膦“终结者”除草剂,路透社,2001-07-27


[59] Adalah, The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel. 2005 Annual Report. April 2006, 4.

[59] Adalah,以色列阿拉伯少数民族权利法律中心。2005年度报告。2006-04,4。


[60] H.C. 2887/04, Saleem Abu Medeghem et. al. v. Israel Lands Administration et. al. 2004.

[60] H.C. 2887/04, Saleem Abu Medeghem等,以色列土地管理署等,2004。

[61] Jamjoum, H. 2009. Ongoing Displacement of Palestine"s Southern Bedouin. Palestine Chronicle, April 2, 2009.

[61] Jamjoum, H. 2009。巴勒斯坦南部贝都因人继续进行的迁移,巴勒斯坦编年史,2009-04-02。


[62] Arab Association for Human Rights. 2004. By all means possible: A report on destruction by the State of crops of Bedouin citizens in the Naqab (Negev) by aerial spraying with chemicals. July 2004.

[62] 阿拉伯人权协会,2004。由所有可能的手段:关于国家机构用航空喷洒化学品毁坏对内盖夫(西南亚巴勒斯坦南部一地区)贝都因公民农作物的报告。2004年7月。



方舟子:“草甘膦……国际公认的低毒除草剂,对人体健康没有任何危险”。2003年在巴拉圭,11岁的男孩Silvino Talavera,因孟山都公司抗草甘膦“终结者”转基因大豆种植喷洒农业化学品中毒死亡。他所在家庭其他孩子也住院治疗,在他们的血液中检查出包括草甘膦在内三种化学品。阿根廷农村地区披露与喷洒草甘膦除草剂相关问题:不育、死胎、流产、生育缺陷、各种癌症、小河飘满死鱼。


“GM Soy: Sustainable? Responsible?” Report:

Monday, 13 September 2010 19:01

《欧洲转基因观察》网站 2010年9月13日发布




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==Other reports of damage to health from spraying of glyphosate==


Other reports have emerged from South American countries of serious health and environmental effects from the spraying of glyphosate and other agrochemicals on GM RR soy.


In Paraguay in 2003, an 11-year-old boy, Silvino Talavera, died after being poisoned by agrochemicals sprayed on GM RR soy. The other children in the family were hospitalized and glyphosate was one of three chemicals found in their blood. [54]

2003年在巴拉圭,11岁的男孩Silvino Talavera,因(孟山都公司)抗草甘膦“终结者”转基因大豆种植喷洒农业化学品中毒死亡。他所在家庭其他孩子也住院治疗,在他们的血液中检查出包括草甘膦在内三种化学品。[54]

A British television documentary on RR soy production in Paraguay, Paraguay’s Painful Harvest, reported accusations that agrochemicals sprayed on GM RR soy are causing birth defects. A prominent Brazilian soy farmer interviewed for the programme responded that locals did not like the fact that foreigners are making a success of soy farming in Paraguay and that the chemicals used wouldn"t harm a chicken. [55]


In 2009 Dr Dario Roque Gianfelici, a rural physician practicing in a soy farming region of Argentina, published a book,La Soja, La Salud y La Gente, orSoy, Health, and People, on health and environmental problems associated with glyphosate spraying. [56] These include high rates of infertility, stillbirths, miscarriages, birth defects, cancer cases, and streams strewn with dead fish.

2009年,Dario Roque Gianfelici博士,阿根廷农村地区的一位内科医生,出版了一本关于喷洒草甘膦除草剂相关人类健康与环境问题的书《大豆,健康与人民》。[56] 这些问题包括高发率不育、死胎、流产、生育缺陷、各种癌症、以及小河飘满死鱼。

An article for New Scientist also reported crop damage, livestock deaths, and health problems in people from glyphosate spraying. [57]




[54] Belmonte, R.V. 2006. Victims of glyphosate. IPS News, March 16.

[54] Belmonte, R.V. 2006。草甘膦的受害者。IPS新闻,3月16日。


[55] Paraguay’s Painful Harvest. Unreported World. 2008. Episode 14. First broadcast on Channel 4 TV, UK, November 7.

[55] 巴拉圭痛心的收获。为报道的世界。2008。第14集。英国第4频道首播,11月7日。


[56] Gianfelici, D.R. 2009. La Soja, La Salud y La Gente.

[56] Gianfelici, D.R. 2009。大豆,健康与人民。


[57] Branford, S. 2004. Argentina’s Bitter Harvest. New Scientist, April 17, 40-43.

[57] Branford, S. 2004。阿根廷痛心的收获。新科学家,4月17,40-43。




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