科技创新社会学创立者 陈一文(cheniwan@mx.cei.gov.cn)
2010-09-04 发表《新浪网》“陈一文顾问博客”:http://blog.sina.com.cn/cheniwan
2010年5月,在中国科学院研究生院人文学院举办“转基因生物风险、评价与决策” 论坛,陈一文做了《斥巨资绝对优先支持“转基因”品种研发是“重大战略错误”!-- 宋安群<新生物进化论>与<“基因”理论具有根本性错误>是原始创新研究成果》的发言。
近日见到《食品伙伴网》 2010年5月14日 发表《俄罗斯科学家最新研究结果:转基因食品有害》,揭示“转基因使动物三代绝种”的科学实验结果,进一步证实了人们的担心。
《Voice of Russia》(俄罗斯之声) 2010年4月16日 发表上述消息过去了五个月,中国《食品伙伴网》 2010年5月14日 发表上述消息也近四个月,没有见到国外揭露该项实验虚假不真实的任何举证。国内转基因农作物新品种培育专家以及坚决支持转基因食品的方舟子等人对该项实验及其结论失语。
笔者非常赞同 赵华 先生博客对该项科学实验结果的评论:“无良‘打假斗士’方舟子竭力推销转基因,实属犯罪!不管他身后是否有利益巨头的身影,作为一个科学界人士,完全丧尽天良!”(http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_3d4c4b440100l6n7.html)。
全国人大、全国政协、中国科学院、中国科学院、全国科协、卫生部组织跨学科学家专家组对(俄罗斯)全国基因安全协会和生态与环境问题研究所(National Association for Gene Security and the Institute of Ecological and Evolutional Problems)完成的该项实验及其“喂食转基因食品实验鼠第三代失去繁殖能力”结论的真实性、可靠性与科学性进行核查。
(1) 向全国人大常委会建议立即冻结已经向转基因食品(包括转基因大豆食用油)的所有销售许可证;
(2) 冻结已颁发对于转基因农作物生产试验的所有许可证;
(3) 冻结对于转基因农作物研究的基金支持;
(4) 提供应急资金立即在中国重复组织俄罗斯科学家进行的上述实验;该项实验应当由相互独立至少三个机构分别进行,采用转基因大豆、转基因玉米、转基因稻米等多种类型转基因农作物生产的转基因食品进行,并且进行到第五代;进行该项实验时,利益相关的所有转基因学者可以观察,但必须“避嫌”不可以参与该项实验。
(5) 在转基因农作物与转基因食品坚决支持者中征集志愿者进行三代人持续大量食用转基因食物的实验。
(6) 在中国重复组织俄罗斯科学家上述实验时,如果获得与俄罗斯科学类似的“喂食转基因食品实验鼠第三代失去繁殖能力”结论,应向全国人大常委会建议立即吊销已经向转基因食品(包括转基因大豆食用油)的所有销售许可证;吊销已经颁发的对于转基因农作物(转基因玉米、转基因稻米等)生产试验的许可证;取消对于转基因农作物研究的基金支持!
发布日期: 2010-05-14 来源:食品伙伴网
《Voice of Russia》(俄罗斯之声)发表日期: 2010年4月16日
Russia says genetically modified foods are harmful
《Voice of Russia》(俄罗斯之声)发表日期:Apr 16, 2010 17:26
Russia has started the annual Days of Defence against Environmental Hazards from the 15th of April to the 5th of June with the announcement of sensational results of an independent work of research. Scientists have proved that Genetically Modified Organisms are harmful for mammals.
The researchers discovered that animals that eat GM foodstuffs lose their ability to reproduce. Campbell hamsters that have a fast reproduction rate were fed for two years with ordinary soya beans, which are widely used in agriculture and those contain different percentages of GM organisms. Another group of hamsters, the control group, was fed with pure soya, which was found with great difficulty in Serbia because 95 percent of soya in the world is transgenic.
4月15日 至 6月5日 ,在俄罗斯一年一度的的环境危害防御活动中宣布了一项独立研究的结果。科学家已经证明:转基因生物对哺乳动物是有害的。研究人员发现,食用转基因食品的动物将失去繁殖能力。实验选择农业中广泛应用的含有不同比例转基因成分的普通大豆,喂养具有快速繁殖率的坎贝尔仓鼠2年。另外一组比对仓鼠,喂以在塞尔维亚难以发现的纯大豆,因为世界上95%的大豆是转基因大豆。
Concerning the experiment carried out jointly by the National Association for Gene Security and the Institute of Ecological and Evolutional Problems, Dr. Alexei Surov has this to say. “We selected several groups of hamsters, kept them in pairs in cells and gave them ordinary food as always,” says Alexei Surov. “We did not add anything for one group but the other was fed with soya that contained no GM components, while the third group with some content of Genetically Modified Organisms and the fourth one with increased amount of GMO. We monitored their behavior and how they gain weight and when they give birth to their cubs. Originally, everything went smoothly. However, we noticed quite a serious effect when we selected new pairs from their cubs and continued to feed them as before. These pairs’ growth rate was slower and reached their sexual maturity slowly. When we got some of their cubs we formed the new pairs of the third generation. We failed to get cubs from these pairs, which were fed with GM foodstuffs. It was proved that these pairs lost their ability to give birth to their cubs,” Dr. Alexei Surov said.
实验由全国基因安全协会和生态与环境问题研究所联合进行。Alexei Surov博士说:“我们将仓鼠分成若干组,在笼中成对以普通食物喂养。第一组不喂任何东西,另一组喂含不有转基因成分的大豆,第三组的含有一些转基因成分,第四组喂大量的转基因食品。监控它们的行为、体重变化以及产仔时间。起初,一切顺利。但是当从幼仔中选择了新的并继续按照前述方式进行喂养时,我们注意到了相当严重的影响。这些子代仓鼠成长缓慢,性成熟缓慢。当他们生出下一代仓鼠时我们称其为第三代。用转基因食品喂养的仓鼠没有生出下一代,这证明它们失去了生育能力。”
Another surprise was discovered by scientists in hamsters of the third generation. Hair grew in the mouth of the animals that took part in the experiment. It’s unclear why this happened. The researchers cannot understand why a programme of destruction is launched when animals take GMO foodstuffs. They say that this can be neutralized only by stopping to eat these foods. Consequently, scientists suggest imposing a ban on the use of GM foods until they are tested for their bio-security.
The results of Russian scientists coincide with those of their colleagues from France and Austria . For one, when scientist proved that GM maize was harmful for mammals, France banned immediately its production and sale. The scientists who carried out the experiment say that it’s too early to make far-reaching conclusions about the health hazards of the GMO. They insist that there is a need to carry out comprehensive research. They suggest implementing the project, “Safety Gene Technology” at the innovation centre, “Skolkovo” which is being set up near Moscow .
(Author/原文作者: Maria Domnitskaya)
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